Post by ***Koala*** on Feb 20, 2007 5:32:18 GMT -2
so stupid that it got a giggle, > >>There's a Chihuahua and a Pit Bull sitting at the bar. >>In walks a hottie of a Poodle, strutting her stuff. >>The bartender bets both of them that they could not >>pick up on her, with a line using the words "liver" >>and "cheese". >> >>The Pit Bull goes first and walks proudly over to her >>and says "I got some liver back at my place." She turns >>her nose up, and looks the other way. He then says "I >>bet when you cut the cheese, it smells sweet." She >>almost gagged with disgust, and was getting ready to >>walk out, when the Chihuahua rolls up, and says "Liver >>alone, cheese mine!"